How are bursaries awarded?
Bursaries are awarded according to academic merit, financial need and the requirements of the various
universities and the availability of funds.
Final selections are made by the SAPOA BURSARY FUND.
Bursary funds are paid out directly to tertiary institutions and other relevant service providers – bursary fund
monies are ONLY paid out directly to students under exceptional circumstances.
Who is eligible for a SAPOA Bursary?
ONLY citizens or naturalized citizens of the Republic of South Africa.
ONLY applicants who intend to study or who are already studying for a property related qualification at a
tertiary Institution in South Africa, which is registered and accredited with the Council for Higher Education
Applicants who intend studying for a post-graduate qualification e.g. Masters or Doctoral degrees are
not eligible unless such qualification will award the applicant registration in the property industry.
Applicants are under no circumstances secured of, promised or guaranteed a SAPOA Bursary. SAPOA reserves
the right to shortlist, invite and thereafter select applicants as seen fit by the various selection committees. Only
applicants that comply with the minimum requirements will be considered for a SAPOA Bursary. SAPOA will not
be held liable for any damage of any kind that may result from the use of the website www.sapoa.org.za.
Upon successful completion of the study period, SAPOA may offer students an opportunity to be employed
within SAPOA or its member companies through the Graduate Development Programme. Employment with
SAPOA or its member companies is not guaranteed, and SAPOA is under no obligation to make such an offer.
Data protection
The information you provide will be held and processed for the purpose of the selection process in connection
with the awarding of SAPOA bursaries for the year. The information will be retained only for as long as is
required by legislation and will then be destroyed. In submitting the information, you are giving your consent to
the disclosure, transfer and processing of your personal data reflected in your application internally within
SAPOA as far as is needed with reference to the awarding of bursaries for the year. The SAPOA BURSARY
FUND will however, unless any disclosure is legally required, endeavour to protect the confidentiality of personal
data supplied.
The beneficiaries of the trust shall be Black people as defined by the BBBEE Act as Africans, Coloureds and
Indians, who are citizens of the Republic of South Africa.
Read carefully before completing, signing or submitting the form.
Ensure that this form is completed in full —where applicable.
Complete in BLOCK LETTERS.
Note that this bursary cannot be used to pay for existing loans or debts.
Ensure this form is duly signed.
Application forms with incomplete information will be disqualified.
Application forms with incorrect information will lead to your application being disqualified.
No faxed applications will be accepted.
Applications received after the closing date of 31 August, will not be considered.
Attach ALL of the following documents REQUIRED:
Recent certified copy of valid matric certificate (Grade 12).
A copy of acceptance letter from an accredited institution.
Certified copy of the latest academic transcript or record on official letterhead.
Recent certified copy of a valid South African identity document.
Recent certified copy of breadwinner’s; parent’s; guardian’s valid South African identity document.
A one-to-two page personal statement.
A completed SAPOA Bursary Application form.
Two letters of recommendation.
’s average costs for one academic year.
A CV of work experience and background, if not incorporated into personal statement.
Via Post:
SAPOA Bursary Fund
P O Box 78544
For Attention: Bursary & Career Specialist
Via e-mail:
For Attention: Bursary & Career Specialist
Hand deliver:
SAPOA Bursary Fund
WeWork Offices | The Link
1 7 3 O x f o r d R o a d
For Attention: Bursary & Career
Post, e-mail, or Hand Deliver
Completed Forms